I woke up knowing that things were changing, and not for the better. I knew that people were dying all around the world, and that there was currently no known cure. I knew that in other parts of the world people were being quarantined to their homes to help prevent the spread of the virus, or “flatten the curve”. I knew that business was not as usual. In fact it was pretty damn slow, and quite honestly, a little scary. We were washing our hands so much that our skin was breaking out and cracking. We were trying to stay positive and do all the right things, but in the back of our heads, we were paranoid. Do you know how many people us Service Industry folks come into contact with on a daily basis? And I mean literal contact. We touch their plates, cups, silverware, and napkins that they’ve wiped their faces all over. We clean the public restrooms that 100s of people have used each night. We touch credit cards, cash, shake hands, and even hug sometimes. The list could go on… So seeing the following announcement from the Mayor wasn’t necessarily a shock, but it did hit home pretty hard.